Monthly Archives: June 2022

Last Words on Uvalde (For Now?)

Well Thursday and Friday’s events have knocked this one out of the news cycle. But I still have thoughts. What we saw (again) was a massive failure both before and after the event of government officials in performing their duties. Now I know they do not have a duty to protect, but I am starting to wonder if some accountability needs to be put in place. Should we codify what a mass shooting is and put penalties in place for those who stand around and do nothing? Should we codify chain of command policies that allow officers to effectively relieve the sire commander for duty for cowardice/incompetence and do what needs to be done? These are things I am thinking about.

They are what I’ll be thinking about when I go to vote to. I want the people who represent me to be interested in real solutions.

In Light of Today’s Supreme Court Decision…


First apologies for my absence. The friend with Cancer has been taking a lot of my time but it looks like that is quickly coming to a conclusion. So I am back. Obviously Uvalde and the resulting fall out to include RINOs endorsing gun control are a huge topic. But while innocent people are blamed for what went wrong. Those who could have stopped the tragedy are coming under increased scrutiny and justifiably so. Greg Ellifritz has a really good update with links to his original post at Active Response Training. I highly recommend reading both. Also there is this news story. Had this teacher been legally able to be armed and chosen to do so there is a fair chance she could have stopped the attack. Instead her police officer husband got to listen to her dying words on the phone as he was refused entry to stop the attack.

More on this later.